Reasons to be Happy - BBLC

Reasons to be happy – the ones that I can think of!
1.       You’re you
2.       You’re alive
3.       Bubbles
4.       Balloons
5.       Ice cream
6.       Family
7.       Friends
8.       Bestfriends
9.       Long eyelashes
10.   Cuddles
11.   Loving someone
12.   Someone loving you
13.   Getting caught in the rain
14.   Laughing
15.   Singing at the top of your voice
16.   Memories
17.   Fluffy animals
18.   Non-fluffy animals
19.   Technology
20.   The free-will to decide when we use technology
21.   Using technology anyway
22.   Dancing
23.   Sunshine
24.   Finding the beauty in the small things
25.   When someone says exactly the right thing

If I didn’t stop at 25, I could have gone on forever…

I know it’s a pretty generic list and that there are some beautifully displayed lists on the interwebs, that simply make you happy looking at them, unfortunately I don’t have the time (as it's Mother’s day – HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! :D ) nor the skill to create a list that is a piece of art on its own – apologies! Maybe in a year or two; I’ll keep you posted..

Make sure you do something that makes you happy today! (and your mum! :D)

Stay Excellent
 - Chantal DeHaine 


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