Favourite Animal - BBLC (featuring Cherry! XD)

This list will be fairly short, simply because I am not at liberty to decide which animals I favour the most, each is an incredible asset to this Earth and not to be taken for granted. Especially the bees!

My favouritist animal in the whole entire universe is my cat; Cherry...

Who loves sleeping,

Even in weird positions,

She doesn't like homework or revision (and thinks textbooks make much better mat's than books)

She likes to sit near me - sometimes very near XD

And in strange places

And also enjoys watching telly!

I should note that none of these photos have been posed, Cherry does what Cherry wants and I've just happened to capture the moments - yes she chose to sit that near my face - hehe. She's the cutest and I wouldn't change her for anything.

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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