Favourite Plants - BBLC

I honestly think that nature is beauty.

So to name all of my favourite plants would take a lifetime, so how about I name twelve?!
  1. Oak Tree
  2. Bluebells (hence the name XD)
  3. Daffodils
  4. Grass - Grass is always overlooked but think about how bland the earth would look if we didn't have grass...
  5. Silver Birch
  6. Roses
  7. Moss - because of its healing properties (not that its the only plant that has healing properties...)
  8. Daisy's
  9. Delphinium
  10. Forget - Me - Not's
  11. Buttercup
  12. Grape Vines

I think Wild Flowers are absolutely beautiful, so here's a picture!

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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