Modes Of Transport I'd Like To Take - BBLC

Okay so I can drive - but I've ridden in a car since birth, have been driven in a limo, get the train frequently, have been on a plane, can cycle, used to love rollerblading, can ice skate (not that I could get very far), have walked down those moving walkways in the airports; so you see I've experienced a lot of modes of transport. And thus there are only a few (that I can think of presently) that I haven't;
  • Helicopter 
  • Hot air balloon 
  • Unicycle - if I could ride one XD
  • Jet plane
  • Space rocket

Although I think Hot Air Balloon is the most likely one, which is a little upsetting :(

What mode of transport would you like to try??

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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