If I could time travel... - BBLC

Image result for wibbly wobbly timey wimey  If only I could travel through the 'time-y wimey stuff' oh the things I would do and the things I would see...
I would travel to the beginning of time just to see its creation. 
I would watch the great blaze spread across london and tell the baker it wasn't his fault.

I would go and ask Einstein where he got his ideas.

I would ask Shakespeare how he actually spelt his name or whether he just changed it to confuse people.

I would discover who wrote the bible

I would thank whoever created the first words

I would have afternoon tea with Henry VIII and barely escape a beheading

I would march with the suffragettes

I would thank Sir Baden Powell for the Girl Guides

I would not dabble with the future.

What will you do when they create time travel?

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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