Favourite Books - BBLC - #worldbookday


In primary school, no matter who you were, this was the coolest day of the whole year. By far. We got to skip lessons and just peruse a hall filled with different stalls stacked high with books. It is in no way an exaggeration when I say that I was in my element.

So yup, I'm a bookworm - And proud!

And yes I do have shelves filled with books, but they should in no way to be compared to any of the bookshelves that can be found under the #shelfie tag on Instagram. Unfortunately.

But anyway, keeping in with my list challenge this month;

My favourite books

I pondered and pondered over this list, and much like any other book-lover, I'm sure, I just couldn't decide which books are my favourite (apart from To Kill a Mockingbird - which is number one without a doubt XD). So I've gathered together six of the books I find myself reading over and over (To Kill a Mockingbird included) and I figured Book reviews could be a post on their own so I'm just going to write a little about why I like them and have read them more than once.

1. To Kill a Mockingbird 

By Harper Lee

So I first had to read this during the summer between Year 8 and 9, and me being a general procrastinator left reading the whole book until the last three days of summer and had to force myself to sit down and read it. I couldn't put it down - I literally sat and read this book for like six hours. And it changed my life, no, not in the cliched; 'I found such a link between my life and the characters that my life changed', but in the much more plausible; 'I never knew that I could be transported into their world, reading is sooooo cool' (as 13 year old Chantal would have phrased it). 

Reading To Kill a Mockingbird started my love of reading and honestly I wouldn't change that for anything. Now I quite happily sit and read for hours on end - ask my friends, they've been shocked on many occasion when I've turned up late for something, or have come into school looking like a zombie (due to the lack of sleep) because "I was finishing the final stretch of a marathon read". 

Believe me reading books in one stretch is much more enjoyable and exhilarating than reading one chapter a night and losing track of the story.  Anyway getting back on track with my original point; this book started my reading journey and seems to ground me in a way no other book I've read can.

2. The Sky is Everywhere

By Jandy Nelson

This book grasped me from the get go, and I was hooked on the story and Lennie (the main character). She saw life in such an unusual way that you'll have to read the book yourself to fully understand; she deals with grief whilst finding love along the way and I know it will be a story that will stay with me forever. 

I fell in love with this story and hence have read and read and read this book so much so that the edges are scuffed and the hardback cover is no longer hard, it's more like a carpet but without the fluff.  

3. The Hunger Games 

4. The Hunger Games - Catching fire  

5. The Hunger Games -Mockingjay 

By Suzanne Collins

A gripping trilogy is not hard to come by these days. But when I first read the Hunger Games, dystopian YA novels weren't more than children compared to their adult genre ancestors, such as 1984 by George Orwell (written in 1949), and thus I was in awe. It could quite possibly (if my memory serves me correctly) be the first book I read that had action, death and love all in one, and was probably the first book I read that housed death as a main feature - not that raised the appeal.

It's now known in every household, has been made into a movie and countless pieces of merchandise have been created for the fans - of the movie. But in my opinion, the books are better than the movies and so I will always go back to them. It's also just a general good read that fills any action craving I find myself with.

6. Endless Summer

By Jennifer Echols

I go back to this book, not because it's the height of political standings or the greatest love story of all time - although it's a pretty good one - nor is it a thriving piece of literature that people will value a thousand years from now, but simply because it's my ultimate 'easy read'. And that's not to be harsh, but when I have had enough of technology and desire a bit of old fashioned entertainment, this is the book I tend to gravitate towards. I know without a doubt I'll enjoy it and that's good enough a reason as any.

So whether you enjoyed that or not, (hopefully you did) I hope you've had a marvellous #worldbookday 

Keep Reading,
Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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