Beloved Bluebird Lists Challenge - Intro, Favourite Sounds

  For the month of March I've decided to do a Challenge; everyday I'll be posting a list. Hopefully they'll turn out much more interesting than that sounds... XD It's the Beloved Bluebird list challenge but I'll be changing a few of the headings. 

So here we go, 

Favourite Sounds

1. Birds chirping first thing in the morning

          I don't know what it is about hearing the birds singing in the morning, maybe it helps me feel at one with nature. It's only in the morning mind, at every other time of the day I really don't notice the birds.

2. Rain hitting the windows 

          This I can explain, when I'm all cuddled up on my sofa with a big fluffy blanket wrapped around me and a cup of hot coco warming my fingers, hearing the rain, it makes me feel safe. It's probably because I know it can't get to me. 

3. Cherry purring

          For those of you who don't know, Cherry is my cat, and no I'm not an infamous cat lady (yet), I only have the one. :) There's probably a scientific reason as to why I find Cherry purring calming, but there's also a perfectly plausible reason for me not wanting to know - at least my ignorance confirms that when she purrs she's enjoying my company, or something to that effect. :P

4. Clocks ticking

          Hearing clocks ticking makes me feel like I'm a part of something bigger, and although its usually converted to white noise by my brain, when it's not it's either really irritating or strangely anchoring (for the sake of this list, we'll go with anchoring).

5. The flicker of an open flame

          It's the childhood memories of a grand campfire; the branches snapping as they burn and the moss fizzing as it's hit by the flames. Just as the sun falls from the sky and the marshmallows and choccie digestives come out and smores are made and everyone sings. That and possibly the secret pyromaniac in me that craves the flicker.

What are your favourite sounds??

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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