Food I Dislike - BBLC

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm a fairly fussy eater - always have been. I've even been described as 'very english' when it comes to food, which I presume applies to the facts that I like plain food and am not a great fan of spice; I get plain-ish at Nando's...  but I'm getting better, I think!! XD

Back to the list;

Food I don't like;

  1. Tomatoes - although I love Ketchup so....
  2. Prawns - eugh, I can just gag thinking about them
  3. not a great fan of Aubergine
  4. Pickles
  5. (extreme) Spice - In. Anything.

There's my top 5!

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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