Favourite Girls Names - BBLC

Now, it would be totally wrong for me to not be bias for this list and have my name at the top..

  1. Chantal DeHaine

But other than that I can't really say. I mean, yes, I've already chosen what my first daughter is going to be called, but you can't know that yet...

Classic names are always a winner, you really can't go wrong with an Elizabeth or a Nancy. And a lot of the more traditional names are coming back into fashion - Margaret, Florence and Ethel for example.

Or tradition can be completely contradicted by the more Unusual names of the twenty-first century; i.e. Monroe and Juniper, or just being named after general items of weather or random objects really..

But in general - I find it's the people who make their name and not the other way round!!

What's your favourite Girls Name?

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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