Trying to get the girl - try these tips

  1. If you think a girl is looking pretty or extra special, tell her! You probably don't realise how much this will brighten up her day and also make her feel amazing. Even if she denies it or makes up an excuse, just restate your compliment, smile and move on. It's pretty much guaranteed to make her feel beautiful.
  2. In opposition to no.1, only ever tell a girl something is wrong with her appearance IF she can fix it in 30 seconds; for example, if she has an eyelash resting anywhere but her eyes, or if a piece of hair if out of place. Never comment on something that may make her feel self-conscious, or that she can't change, all you can do is accept it
  3. Random gentlemanly acts make all the difference, hold the door open if you see someone coming through, offer to carry that bag that shes finding heavy. And manners always make a great impression.
  4. Never compare her to someone else, we do enough of that ourselves.
  5. Make her laugh, seriously this is the most important thing, well they're all pretty important, but this definitely is the most important. 

Other things to note; from girl to guy...
  • We don't always look perfect, get over it. we all have "perfect imperfections"
  • We love talking (XD) but we won't tell you everything
  • If you text us first it makes us feel special, if you don't and we're constantly trying to continue the conversation, it makes us feel like we're annoying you. To avoid this tell us your busy if you don't want to talk, eventually we'll get the hint.
  • Using emojis over text will make us feel more comfortable
  • You can never go wrong with a good suit - in the right setting
  • Being a good guy is always nice, but having a naughty side is always more fun
  • If you lie you're setting yourself up for failure. "If you have to sneak to do it, lie to cover it up or delete it so it wouldn't be seen... you need to be single"
  • If you're comfortable with us, we'll be comfortable with you
  • Little signs of affection, like love notes are the cutest thing

But most of all be yourself, make her laugh and have fun, because that's when you'll be the happiest!

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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