Open The Book!

 So here it is, your average and generic, first post of the year!

Here's to 2015 *raises glass* you did us well and got us through. Now you're a memory that has helped form us into the marvellous beings we are today; thankies!
Speaks for itself - don't ya think?

You've already opened the book, the one that's about 366 pages long and all you have to do now is fill it with all the amazing things that happen to you as every page is turned and every chapter unfolds;

Tbh I'm not a fan of writing this post, I feel terribly cliched, so I'm just going to say 

and let you get on with it :D

Enjoy your New Years resolutions while they last and make 2016 an adventure if ever there was one!!

Stay excellent,
 - Chantal DeHaine


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