Smiling and Laughing

Ultimately laughing is one of the most important things and it goes hand in hand with smiling.

Laughter can do many things such as make someone smile, bring someone out of the foulest of moods and can disperse tension. It’s one of Mother Natures natural medicines; smiling when you’re sad, even if it’s a fake smile, is scientifically proven to make you feel better because it relieves stress, improves your mood and is totally contagious.

Have you ever passed someone on the streets and given them a smile? I do quite regularly, and not one ever fails to return it, now it might be a simple action of courtesy but also imagine if they had had a rubbish morning; their car didn’t start, and they missed the bus, so they were late to work. They’re now on their lunch break but the shop had run out of their favourite, so they had to pick one begrudgingly knowing that they weren’t really going to enjoy it but couldn’t not pick one because Boris, from PR, wouldn’t approve of rumbling tummies in the workplace. But you, a stranger, have just smiled at them and it’s reminded them that quite often there is a ray of sunshine waiting too burst through the clouds.

Okay, so maybe your smile didn’t remind them of that but you gave them smile and it could have made their day. Just saying.

Your smile can make someone smile yes, but laughter, oh my; listen to a clip of people laughing, you cannot tell me that you didn’t laugh. Call it a guilty pleasure but your laughter just joined in and became a part of the chorus. XD

When people say that one of their hobbies or favourite things to do is to be with their friends, I have to top that; one of my favourite things to do is laugh with my friends (as well as being with them ofc!), I can’t reminisce about laughing with my friends without it making me smile! And I’m sure they’ll agree with me!

You know, the kind of laughter that is so powerful and soul-shaking that it leaves you sitting there, clapping like a retarded seal? Yeah that’s the best. By far. This is the type of laughter that makes you giggle the next day just thinking about it; forget the reason, just the vista of me and my friends all falling backwards due to laughter is enough to get me going again.

So now I bet you're imagining a girl sitting in her room, tapping away on the keys of her laptop, just giggling away to herself, you’d be right XD but its late and I’m a little sleep deprived so I cannot apologise for that in any shape or form, hehe!

-        -  Start the day with the silliest joke you can think of; my mums favourite is

“What do you do when you she a space man?”
“You park in it man!”

(Tell joke as if you were a hippy – ending every sentence with ‘man’ is totally the way to go, man!)

-        -  Smile to the strangers you pass
-        -   Laugh like a seal, or a badger, or a hyena or whatever other animal takes your fancy

Stay Excellent, Smile and Laugh Like Nobody is Watching
-          -  Chantal DeHaine


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