"It's a shame about the weather.."

British people are renowned for talking about the weather, are we not?

It's become a sort of expected behaviour, so I tend to drop in something about the weather whenever I happen to be talking to someone who isn't British; just to keep up appearances. XD

Us Brits talk about the weather because of one of the four following reasons;

  • to fill an awkward silence
  • to change the subject
  • because its common ground
  • or we're actually interested in the weather
Regardless I deeply dislike the fact that the first thing that comes to mind when we say British weather is...

...Yep you guessed it. Rain!

However, according to Met Office Climate Data, from the last 30 years (on average) there were only 106 days of rain a year. Which isn't actually that much...

I got caught in the rain today, and although I had a sort of half dry mermaidy look going on with my hair and my coursework almost got drenched, I really didn't mind. Maybe that's British too :P 

Perhaps it's just me, but I don't watch the weather report every morning on the news, I think it is wonderful that we can't control it and that our predictions are sometimes wrong. We cannot control everything, the sooner we figure that out the better!

And hey your day could start out like this;

and end like this;

So there's not much point beginning your day in a really bad mood, expecting it to "rain cats and dogs". 

I love that in Britain we get a range of Weather Phenomenons, on my last day off Year 11, it rained in the morning, was sunny as we got released, hailed as I walked home and poured the second I set my foot in the door!! #temperamentalatmosphere 

But that's the beauty of British weather!

But Britain, it would be amazing to have a white Christmas every once in a while... 

*All pictures are mine*

Stay Excellent
 - Chantal DeHaine


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