#Throwback - What face would you choose? Halloween

During October of 2015, I attempted to create a Halloween look, every day, leading up to Ol' Hallow's Eve. I don't claim to be a makeup artist of any kind; these looks will have their faults and I'm not saying they're perfect, but I am quite proud of how they turned out. And I can say almost definitely that I will be creating more looks this year for Halloween.

So being the ordinary teenager that I am, I'm trained in the fantastical art of procrastination XD and thus while I was probably supposed to be doing homework or revision of some sort I began playing around with my makeup - typical girl, not quite; this was what happened...

It started with a Witch 
(so old that her face is cracking) 

Who then had her mouth sewed shut...

I was surprised how well it went, so I tried another the next day...


and the next..

and the next...
'The darkness becomes you'
#ladyphantom #phantomoftheopera

And it became a challenge;
For the animal lovers, or those who try to go dressed as 'sexy' animals for Halloween like in those stereotypical American movies; a fawn.

A ventriloquists doll, which had my friends in shock.

 A pretty take on Poison Ivy

A spooky Clown

which I didn't think looked very scary so I zombified the look;

and dyed my skin red for the sake of Halloween - lets just say Asda's fake blood was slightly luminescent...

Although Christie found me scary

What would you call this?

Contour or what?

'You are SOOO funnay!'

Be careful what you wish for...
#spider #web



They walk among us... 

She's got it cracked; a Porcelain Doll 

And my final look for Halloween was a little less scary and a lot more plain...
But I loved it all the same XD

I'm not sure I had a favourite, and even though these looks took me anywhere between and hour and three hours to create, I have to say I enjoyed every second of it! So, it was one of the most thrilling projects I did last year!!

I better start researching looks to do this year XD

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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