Lush Review - The Experimenter

Some people love having a crisp and clear bath, just to have a general soak. Recently, however, like many ladies, I've become a little obsessed with Lush bath bombs.

I always have a hard time picking one out though...

For christmas I was given a rather large supply of bath bombs from Lush and I hate to admit but they're almost all gone. :(

So with my supply dwindling I chose 'The Experimenter', I have tried this before and if I'm completely honest it didn't leave a very lasting impression.

It defies the usual circular ballistics with a hexagonal prism, that does make it stand out from the crowd. it is also very colourful, which will definitely draw your attention to it - cream and gold on one side and pink and blue on the other, split down the middle by a smooth purple.

The moment before you drop in the bath bomb is when I always hold my breath, waiting to see what happens and what secrets are revealed by the fizz is one of my favourite parts of the whole bath bomb experience.
And I wasn't disappointed; there was an incredible vast range of colours that exploded from the prism. Oranges, Pinks, Blues, Yellows, and the water turned a resounding Green.

Straight away there was a very intense smell that went right to the back of your nose, and was definitely for an acquired taste.

 As the bomb turned in the water it created a swirl of bold creams and yellows with some pinks just peeking out from underneath. It truly looked like a work of art.

I also found that it created a slimy layer on your skin under the water - which I can only imagine is what a mermaid tail would feel like. Or maybe a jellyfish?!

A slight shimmer was also released into the water, which would appeal to those who are not a great fan of glitter but still like a little sparkle.

After a few minutes, however, the swirling stopped and the bath bomb sank; which was disappointing as also meant the display of colours stopped. Instead a soapy residue was left on the surface, making the bathe feel dreary and dull.

While inspecting the soapyness, I realised that the rich green that was present at the beginning of the bomb was no longer. It was now a light dirty green.

When mixing that many bright colours you can't expect it not to turn a murky brown or grey. In this case it was the latter (after a further five minutes).

A minor perk of a sunk bath bomb is that you can see all the bubbles escaping to the surface which is mesmerising.

"There is no angry way to say bubbles"

Overall, I wasn't very impressed with this bath bomb, to be completely honest I don't know what all the hype is about; it didn't improve my mood, it worsened it. The only good things about it is the bomb in its dry state, the colour release at the beginning and the fact that some sparkles stick and remain on your skin after you get out of the bath (which I happen to like)...

Other than that I thought it was completely dull and had a scent that was very overpowering. Too many colours meant the water turned a murky grey which just looked dirty and would not be a colour I'd think would make you clean!

I'd prefer the crisp clean bath, rather than use this bath bomb. Sorry Lush! :| 

*My own opinion, each to their own*

Stay Excellent

- Chantal DeHaine


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