A letter to my Younger self

So my planned blog for today was a letter to a younger me but honestly I don’t think I’d have much to say and well;
doesn’t make for a very exciting letter…

But seriously telling myself not to do things that I learnt a great lesson from kind of defeats the purpose, I doubt I’d be the same person I am today. So many things are left to chance, and it just so happens that I’m glad that every little thing that happened to me, in my earlier years, did!

To be completely honest there isn’t much point in looking back on your life and wish something didn’t happen or regretting silly things, like wearing the same outfit for every non-school uniform day in year six because you thought you were ‘da bomb’! #guilty

Really there’s nothing you can do about it, you can’t change it until they create time-travel, for which you’ll only have to wait until 2034. However when you think about it, by then, it’ll be such a minuscule event in your life that you probably won’t even remember it. So in the grand scale of immensely amazing things that amount to your spectacular life, really it doesn’t matter.

Plus if you did go back into time and stopped yourself from spending countless hours moving thousands of stickers from one book to another, you could have ripped a hole in the space-time continuum and stopped your paperboy from being born… (or something like that!)

There’s a whole set of ‘what if’s’ that anyone could come up with if they thought about it for long enough, but there’s no point wasting time like that. It’s a very riskay business.

And after writing my very well thought out, space-time continuum saving, argument for why I shouldn’t write my younger self a letter of advice, I’ve thought of some advice…

- Chantal DeHaine


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