Bliss Box - Day 9


I can just tell that this is going to be one of those weeks where everything happens at once, but the key to overcome this is to just take everything one step at a time; focus on one thing and let nothing else interfere, use your time wisely though and maybe create a plan!

Now this quote is rather fitting - lightness of mind, head and heart allows one to become clear and enlightened in the superior knowledge kind of way; philosophy kings will understand... (apologies for the distracted philosophy content there! :P)

But again this quote is very much open to interpretation and therefore it wouldn't be fair for me to write a subjective view of it that could affect yours!

Being opinionated is a great skill to have, although you should never push your view in someones face, simply inform them and let them make up their minds!

Stay Excellent

- thegirlwiththekey


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