Bliss Box - Day 1

For today's moment of Bliss, this is our quote;

And honestly this quote really rings true for me, there are no jobs in the business of the sad, you only get one life, so you may as well be happy!!

I know for me and many of my friends, the next step in life is right around the corner and for most 18 year olds who have been doing Alevels for the past year and a half, university is the most reasonable choice. I mean sure it gives you another 3-7 years for you to set up your life, but in my opinion; unless you're 125% happy about the course you're planning to do, why do it? 

Even if your 80% sure, why not take a gap year and just explore your options, 

(Is it just me or is it incredibly irritating that the school years starts in September?? I've never really noticed because its been all I've known but it really is very inconvenient... :/ )

I loved school until 6th form arrived when it all sort of took a turn for the worst as you will have read in my rant on education and only at the beginning of this year did it dawn on me that our lives are not based on education, neither is our success; I'm sure you've all heard of the famous success of dropouts such as Richard Branson. 

Life is so much more than just fitting in in society and being accepted by the people we consider important, life is about being comfortable in our skin and if we're not then the reason should always be yourself, the desire to feel more lean and toned because it makes you happy and NOT because someone called you 'fat'.  

We have to enjoy life and not life for the weekends or for the parties or gatherings as a vast majority of my friends tend to do, we should live life day-to-day and not dread mondays, and no matter how annoying the advert is the guy in the blue spandex suit actually talks some sense, 'you dont hate mondays, you hate your job, and so you should be a frog man!' 'I LOVE FROGS!' and doesn't the frog man just make you smile :D

Life is too short to dislike or even feel okay about the life you lead, you need to be the boss and make life as exciting as you want it to be!!

Be absolutely determined to enjoy what you do. - Gerry Sikorski

Stay Excellent 

- thegirlwiththekey


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