Bliss Box - Day 3

Hey Y'all,

Today has been a good day, maybe its because I've been in a super happy mood all day or simply because I'm having fun! And today's quote is really fitting - it's almost like a freaky horoscope that you can really relate to your life;

That's a great question Jerry!

This should be a law! Imagine having to ask if something was fun before committing to do it and if the answer was no you weren't allowed to do it by law! If anyone I know ever becomes the prime minister I may have to insist they make this happen.

But its true i'd so much rather do something fun than something in your daily routine or goodness, forgive, something boring.

I went and played in a playground today! yep, you read that correctly, me, an 18 year old and three of my friends in a playground suitable for 8-12 year olds, I'll let you laugh for a second imagining us...

But yeah, it was a last minute decision as we were coming out of school; we wanted to do something but couldn't decide what, and it was probably the best decision I've made all week. There's a playground down the road from my school, next to a lake which is kinda random, and just behind a makeshift 'hail and ride' bus stop. But it's really sort of perfect in its own little way, yes its got a slide and a tiny climbing frame that very much reminds me of those new style tiny houses (which I desperately want - a tiny house that is not a tiny climbing frame, although that would be really cool :D ), and swing set. But it is truly beautiful in its own imperfect way. Beautiful, in the sense that it has been loved by many a child and that although it may be scuffed in places and the top of the climbing rock thing may be green rather than grey now, but it still stands tall and proud, there through the rain and shine and has been and will be loved...

It was so amazing to just let loose today and to just forget about everything for a small infinity, and to just be a kid again, honestly one of the best feelings! and don't they always say that the last minute plans turn out the greatest!

So maybe the next time you and your friends don't know what to do and its past the bedtime of many young children (who usually take the climbing frame as their castle and have guards covering every access point) take a trip to your local park and play 'it' or try every piece of apparatus, its so much fun - I can't describe!

Now as you may be able to tell my mind is running at like 20 mph - lets face it, we need to be realistic with our brain speed and 20 mph seems realistic - so I'm well aware that this post may be a little sporadic but I hope its been a kind reminder of the excitement that we had during our youth or at least made you smile... :)

I hope your day has been as good as mine, and if it wasn't maybe you should ask yourself
'If its not fun, why do it?

Stay Excellent

- thegirlwiththekey


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