Bliss Box - Day 23

*News flash* Compassion is the way forward!!

Just in case you didn't know what compassion is, according to google, its the sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

But I think its important, as I have found out this week, that those that you treat with compassion are the ones worthy of it, and that's not something I'd usually say; I'm all for treating others as you wish to be treated. I think that's a great mantra to live by and I know that you're supposed to live life selflessly.

But lets be real here, no one ever got anywhere being selfless... so when there's someone you don't like, don't feel guilty about not liking them, they'll be irrelevant in like 20 minutes, and completely out of your life in 3 years, so really you shouldn't feel bad about despising someone!!

Obviously there should be some reason as to why you have great feelings of hate for someone; its just plain rude and judging for you to hate someone without knowing them or their story!!

Just treat everyone with respect and trust until they loose it, life is too short to be surrounded by people you hate...

A bit of a hate post but life can only be amazing when you're surrounded by amazing people so you don't want mean ones holding you back!

Stay Excellent

- thegirlwiththekey


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