Bliss Box - Day 6

Hey there, so todays quote is

and this can be interpreted in two ways; in the perspective of the parent who should never lose their child and should keep them close, or the perspective of the individual ( now this is the one that I think mencius was really think of when he wrote this, but I mean who knows, the author really meant the curtain was blue... )

But I think he means that we should never grow up too fast and should always save and keep the heart we had as children and never lose it or leave it behind..

For example, someone I know had a pretty hard upbringing and he grew up too fast, this he admits too but I think deep down he still has his childs heart but its just locked away behind barriers and locks and chains; all sorts of defence mechanisms that just hide his desperation to play, to laugh and to just be free. This I have gathered from his pensive look he gives when he sees me laugh, or explain something in a silly voice, although he the usually blows it off as a judgmental look and adds a destructive comment, how very adult.

He's told me that he knows he grew up too fast, he said he had to. No. Occasionally your attitude to life has to develop as though one was an adult, but as long as you see the beauty of life and the fun you can have, ones heart never has to be old! Our body's may age but our soul never has to...

Hope your having a good weekend!

Stay Excellent

- thegirlwiththekey


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