Bliss Box - Day 8

Who knew a bunch of quotes could be so right?
When I gave myself this challenge I had only a brief idea of what would be in these cards and honestly there is no way I could have guessed that the quotes would actually have an influence on my life!
And this is the precise quote for anyone wishing to do anything that they know will make them incredibly happy; 'Right now is a good a time' and as good as any other. If your capable of carrying out an action and have the self efficacy - need to include my psychology in there somewhere! :P ) to achieve it then what is stopping you? seriously; WHAT IS STOPPING YOU?? (that's not meant to be me shouting just highlighting an important question!)
So while you're lying in bed trying to get to sleep, instead of thinking about the creature under your bed that is waiting for a foot to slip over the edge or out from under the covers, try thinking about the things that make you happy and plan what you're going to do to make them happen!!
Stay Excellent
- thegirlwiththekey


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