Pretty much everyone has one and It doesn't surprise me, the world is such a vast place; So here's seven places on My Travel Bucket List; 1. Venice - before it sinks! 2. Scotland - mainly the Giant's Causeway and The Fairy Pools 3. Canada 4. America - the Grand Canyon and Salem 5. Juliet's house in Verona 6. Pompeii 7. Australia Hopefully by the time I die, I'll have checked off the ones I'm yet to have seen!! What's on your Bucket list? Stay Excellent - Chantal DeHaine
I give you the Yoga Bomb! Step 1: Run a bath Step 2: Drop bath bomb Step 3: Watch Step 3 and a half: Wait for the bomb to dissolve fully Step 4: Photograph Step 5: 'Ooohh' at the newly revealed colours Step 6: Stare at the new glittery colour your bath water has turned Step 7: 'Oooohh' some more Step 8: Relax and indulge So this bath bomb wasn't (in my opinion) anything special. Yes the colours were pretty and the glitter was cool, but as for aroma - there was little to none, so I didn't find it anymore relaxing than a normal bath. Well, except the fact that I was bathing in liquid that was a very impressive pigmented orange colour (I did fear I might step out of the bath and have to scrub off the pigment that had attached itself to my skin; luckily this was not the case.). On first impressions this bath bomb gave the water an immediate sort of slimey feel which thankfully subs...
Firstly what would we class as MEGA BRAVE? (caps just makes the words seem MEGA BRAVE right? XD) Would it be superhuman, or simply overcoming our greatest fears? Say it was Superhuman; I would; - Save people, from burning buildings or from down a well or some such courageous act. - Fly twice around the world, and yes, twice in case I missed anything the first time... - And just be overall superhumany!! But if it was a merely mortal act of overcoming our fears I would; - Do a Bungy Jump - who knows I might be tempted in the future... - Climb mount Everest, just to say I had. - Maybe start a Youtube channel - and many more that presently I can't think of................... And just to clarify I don't necessarily...
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