Sunday's Story - The Ultimate Love Story

He was a boy,

She was a girl,

He loved her, 

She fell in love with him,

They lived happily ever after.

Although the pronouns may change and there are an endless variety of factors that could affect their story, ultimately it comes down to these things. And that's the beauty of love, no matter the minor things that happen along the way, three things will definitely happen in every love story till the end of time. 

They meet,
They fall in love,
They live happily ever after.

No matter how long 'ever after' seems to be.
However long our love story is, whether it be five minutes; you meet, you feel the spark and forever after you're left with the memory, or whether it's eighty years and you die in each others arms.

Everyone gets a love story. 

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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