Describing the days of the week as people - Wednesday - Nash

Nash has always taken note of every situation and is a great observer, he notices the smallest of things and therefore always seems to find himself in the middle. Which, when it comes to arguments isn’t the most pleasant of things, but when he’s in the middle of a queue, well its better than being at the back.

He is always willing to plan things but isn’t very good when it comes to actually carrying them out; his excuses are always the same, “I’ve got a really busy schedule”, “oops, I’m double booked”; which I’m sure you can agree is very annoying.

Nash’s humour hit an all-time high with sarcasm a few years back, which has given him a great persona as a dry comedian. Nothing is funnier than a guy, who is always stuck in the middle, trying to sarcastically explain why all of the things that have happened to him are so irrevocably funny.

If he was asked “why?” he would always reply “why not?” with a giggle.

Decisions were not his cup of tea and he surrounded himself with those who loved to make them. He made his world a win-win. His cup was never full and never empty, and his windows never fully up or fully down. He was a middle man and proud.

Is your cup full or empty? or like Nash can you just not decide?

Stay Excellent 
- Chantal DeHaine


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