Describing the days of the week as people - Thursday - Lucy

Lucy is a lady of leisure and always loves spending time with her pals, even waiting for her friends gives her chills due to the excitement. She’s always been one to thrive in a social setting and can’t deny herself the true pleasure of enjoying her time.

She loves volunteering and considers it a job of hers, helping out a community is thought to be a chore to many of the people she knows; but not to Lucy. Lucy is dedicated and not only does she find the time flies when she is volunteering but she finds herself actually missing it when she’s not there.

Being down to earth is a hard feat when you’re used to flying high, but Lucy manages. And she doesn’t just care for herself, no, like she does whilst volunteering, she forgets about herself for a while and likes to build people up and bring them higher too.

It can be hard to learn to fly, and really easy to fall, but that is not the aim. It shouldn’t be for anyone. Everyone should learn to fly, be built up by anyone and everyone surrounding them, what’s wrong with being nice to people?

She believes nothing in the world can be worth more than an individual’s love for themselves.

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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