
I can understand why people might find it hard to make decisions. I mean there could be a lot riding on the choice you make, and obviously some decisions are more important than others. That's life!  

Reasons you wouldn't want to make a decision;  
- to keep everyone else happy by letting them choose 
- to avoid conflict 
- to make sure your date is going to enjoy themselves 

But on occasion, making the decision is a lot easier than letting others decide!  

Reasons to make the decision;  
- you get what you like! 
- you have a hand at doing the organising 
- if no one else makes the decision, you can 
- it shows confidence 

Making decisions are not that hard, as many people will know, you decide which option you are most in favour of and voice your opinion. 

When I was little, I never made any decisions; my favourite sayings were "I don't mind" or "I'm not sure" (because I wanted everyone to be happy and I suppose I felt a little to inexperienced in life matters to decide if I wanted boiled potatoes or chips with my chicken kiev XD) and it was my Gran who eventually got me out of the habit, "that's not an answer" she'd always say. And till this day I always hear her say it!  

It was only in the past few years, I realised that generally (with a few exceptions) it's easier to make a decision and for people to just deal with it. It can get very irritating when you're trying to decide what to do and the person you're with just keeps saying "whatever you want to do" - plans never get made!  

Also if you make a decision that someone else doesn't like then they will say, you can then both discuss and make a compromise. It's the way the world works people!! 

So go ahead and make the decision! Make the plans for a social outing, tell the person you like how you're feeling and take them on a date, choose the chips!!

Just make the decision that's best for you and go with it! PRIORITISE YOU!

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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