New Piercings!!

So I went to Westfield on Thursday and me and my friend Yasi got some new piercings!! :D

We went with 6 other friends but split so that we could go and get our piercings done. It was a 5 minute walk from Westfield Stratford and there was a queue but it went down very quickly - so within 20 minutes of getting there it was my turn.

I walked into the room and told the lady I wanted a microdermal in my wrist and a side transverse lobe piercing! She sat me down marked my wrist, numbed it, I looked away and it was done, woooo! I have a wrist piercing!

I then began to feel a little faint so I sat down in front of the cold fan whilst Yasi had her cheek pierced (again :P ) and her Medusa bar changed! I then sat down in the piercing chair again, she numbed my ear and I was again pierced with a new ear piercing!!

So yeah I now have the grand total of 8 body piercings; 7 in my ears and 1 in my wrist!


The reasons I have so many piercings - personal preference, I like piercings.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if you don't like piercings - fair enough.

Piercings don't change people! I'm still the same person even though I have 8 various pieces of metal in my body and it is (in my opinion) silly to think that a tiny piece of jewellery can change what you think of someone!

It seems cliched to say, but your body is your body and you can do with it what you wish!

Do what you want that makes you happy! :D

And stay excellent!

- thegirlwiththekey


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