Hoorayy for the nothing days!!

Hey, so I haven't blogged in a few days - it was my bestest friends 18th birthday so I was preparing for her special day, I hope you had the greatest day ever Sarah - love youuuuuu!!

But anyway, today I've had a day off because my lack of sleep has drained me! And thus going to school would be silly as my quality of work would be unsatisfactory and all that jazz!

But I just thought I'd write a little about the spontaneous days off that turn out to be the most relaxing. You gotta love them because yes you have to catch up on the work you miss, but I think everyone forgets actually how much you can get done if you don't go to school. The days can be so productive, as long as you don't just watch telly.

You can wear the clothes you are most comfy in, with your hair in a bun and just do all sorts, for example I actually tidied my room and surfed the interwebs for an hour or two, enjoyed my lunch at 11;30 and read a few chapters of The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern, I also did some scrapbooking and surprisingly got a little bit of homework done. These thing may sound boring but when you put on your favourite playlist; the one that has all those wonderful songs that you can sing along to really loudly and badly, the day just gets ten times better!

Hoorayy for the nothing days - the ones we choose to have at the very last minute, so they're a complete surprise to even yourself. Yes you miss the social interactions that you would otherwise have daily at school but on occasion it is really satisfying to have a day or two to yourself.

And if you do have a sporadic day off don't waste it, lounging in front of the telly because the days are not for wasting! You don't even have to have a day off; just set aside and hour when you get home from school or work and do absolutely anything you fancy!!

Remember you only get one life (that we know about -- oi oi philosophers! :P ) so make the most of it and

Stay excellent

- thegirlwiththekey


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