F*** Education - uncensored rant about the screwed up system of 'Education'

Do we really need education??

We need to learn, to be taught how to learn, to love what we learn about!

so many teenagers have put themselves under such stress and hurt - just because our society is dependant on ALevel's to tell us how intelligent and how capable for a job we are.

And when do we ever use the things we learnt about. I'm not joking; I'd love for one adult, who hasn't pursued a career in maths or science, to tell me when they have once in their life used any of the equations they learnt in maths or the scientific expressions they learnt in science...

Okay so I didn't do too well in my exams at AS and was distraught and hated myself for a while because I couldn't understand what I'd done wrong! I'd done all the required revision (and I'm not lying - I actually did because at that point some part of me actually wanted to go to university or just to have that option) and knew all the things I needed to; like especially for Psychology, I mean I can still verbally tell you all the studies and theories (it was my 2nd attempt at this AS - I'd done it in year 11). So of course I knew the stuff but surprisingly I actually did worse this year. Luckily they take the highest grade you get and not the one you take last, otherwise I would have ended up with 1C, 1D and 2E's  rather than the 2C's and 2E's I officially got.

Now I honestly don't seem to be vain but I'm not dumb in any sense of the word, I mean at GCSE I achieved 1A*, 7A's and 3B's (not the best but still pretty good, right?) so I was in utter shock when I opened the white envelope that encased my AS results on that dim summer day.

I hadn't felt stressed at all during my first year at sixth form and therefore found it troubling that I had done (in my terms) quite bad. I mean when you're used to getting A's and then you're getting E's its a little confusing.

But I think my most surprising result was from Biology, for which I received an A* at GCSE and and A in my AS coursework and did endless amounts of revision for. In my AS biology exams I got two U's. I mean these exam boards have been f***ing up results and mismarking papers for God knows how many years, so there is a possibility that I could have actually got a decent grade and they marked it wrong or lost half of my paper, but honestly I couldn't talk about my grades for a good two months without getting a lump in my throat or bursting into tears. So I was in no position to go and ask my teachers for a remark or my papers back.

And looking back it saddens me how much those few results made me so unhappy for the few months afterwards.

Why can school not simply be a place of learning, why can't we go to school to inspire ourselves and others. We could learn about anything we wanted to, rather than spending the most part of every other lesson doing some sort of exam practice. How amazing would it be if school was actually enjoyed by students who, yes, could be given projects to do; on a subject of their choice however. We could increase the knowledge of the young and let them enjoy learning at school, instead of stifling their knowledge.

It saddens me how schools that, with help from parents, effectively raise our young generations, have become places that no child enjoys attending. We have institutionalised people who don't need to be put in institutions.

It is my humble opinion that children should be in the fresh air playing from dawn till dusk, its incredible what children can learn from their environments, but no, some old geezer* with grey hair and a creased suit has said that kids should be in school from an unreasonable hour in the morning until (in winter) its dark.

And what geezer* passed the law or unwritten rule that said that no person is suitable for a good job, unless they have lived through the agonising years of what we call 'education' and have graded exams that are deemed a pass. Exams aren't even a reliable test of knowledge, they are a flipping test of memory. No persons intelligence should be measured by the score of a test. There are all sorts of factors that affect a person's performance during an exam; from parental/teacher pressure, to non-visible stress.

We are far too reliant, as a society, heck, as a world, on the supposed success of a person, as we use this data to tell us where we should be headed in life.

It honestly scares me how much of our life is dependant on how successful we are at 16/17/18. Hell of a lot of pressure if you ask me. And for those of you who believe we only live once, is this a life well spent? have you regretted how long you stayed on at school? I think I'm beginning to...

Well, sorry about all that talking folks, hope I didn't offend anyone, just my opinion and thoughts at the moment, so don't take my word..

Don't focus too much on school because it isn't somewhere we're stuck for all of our lives, but don't let it ruin your life either. If you want to go to University, go 'and rock it' because you want to and not because you think its expected of you, or if you're still deciding whether sixth form is for you or if college seems more suitable, write a pros and cons list (honestly they give the right answer to everything,) but if you're still confused or doubting the 'right' choice,

go with your heart because your head isn't always right!

Remember to enjoy life and Stay Excellent..

- thegirlwiththekey

*geezer used here in place of rude word that should not be typed...


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