100th Post - 29th February
So today is a pretty special day, not only because it's my 100th post, but because it's an extra day. we only get this day every four years and thus I'm determined to make it productive! As you will know we have leap days because the total time for the earth to rotate the sun is 365.24 days and therefore to keep the calender in sync with the movements of the planets, a leap day is added. #spaceandallthat (Although technically it's 24 hours and eleven minutes added to each year - because its .242 of a day and not .25) However, there are such things as the leap months and leap seconds; but you'll have to research those yourself.. What have you done today to make it extra special? So yeah, I guess I just wanted to say Happy Leap Year! Hope the next four years are PHENOMENAL!! :D And as for it being my 100th post - cheers to the next 100! Stay Excellent - Chantal DeHaine