This is what the Crazy Wind makes me think of!

So today the UK was witness to Hurricane Gonzalo and there was a minor storm for about 10 minutes this morning and by golly did it rain!! I'm so glad I wasn't on my way to school - I would have literally gone into school and created a lake. And my school isn't waterproof - I found that out the hard way last year when I was waiting for a friend to finish some work after school in one of the ICT rooms and a wall of water blocked the corridor, much to our entertainment, and trapped our teacher in his room; he had to jump through the wall of water to escape! funniest thing!

I managed to avoid the rain on my walk to school and the walk back but the wind was ferocious! I was walking with a friend and we both have long hair, which had gained a life of its own as it became a curtain for our faces. We gave up trying to move it away from our faces in the end and I managed to tie mine up!!

But as I continued the walk home by myself to the relaxing tune of 'Free' by Ultra Nate, the world came alive and the wind gave all the leaves such energy and they pranced about like toddlers first learning to walk. The trees swayed with proud branches and I felt safe. Not that I don't usually, but today it was special, calm even - the calm before the storm.

Just now has the rain begun again with such force that the face of the Earth has changed, the same rain that has been shaping the Earth for millions of years still does and it reminds me of Earth's simplicity. how earth has lived for millennias in peace just happy being home to billions of creatures that take no note of how important it is. And we don't care - as long as we have a house and roads and traffic lights we don't care what it take to make them! and this makes me sad.

So if you do one thing today make it incredible and worthwhile - make it a story to tell the grandkids!!

- thegirlwiththekey


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