Love, Rosie and Relationships! :)

So last night, me and six friends went to the cinema and saw Love, Rosie! It was such a good film and I would definitely recommend it.

The film tells the story of Rosie and Alex and how they transitioned from friendship to romance. a concept that sounds much easier than it is, not that I have experience of a situation like that! :P

The film got me thinking; 'I want a love story like that' but you can't rush these things; if your thinking about the possibility of a relationship with a friend of yours you have to think about every aspect of it.

For the boys; think about why you like her, about whether you would work as a couple, whether she likes you, and whether you're the right guy for her. Don't ever enter into a relationship because you thinks shes hot!

For the girls; act yourself - and I know that sounds weird because you're probably thinking who else could I be? But honestly you can only be yourself - when you start to change because you like them or because you know they like you, the situation only gets awkward.

If you like someone, I think the best thing to do is to talk to them directly and not about how great you'd be as a couple but just things in general! If you can talk comfortably then you'll be fine, if not then maybe you're letting the fact that you like this person get in the way of getting to know them and that's not going to help.

But guys don't take too long, because if a girl is thinking about the possibility of there being something between you, in my mind, you have to make the move. girls grow up as princesses and you have to be their prince. So don't be afraid to ask them to the movies or just out to get to know each other, because believe me it's much easier to talk when you're out compared to if your at school or work and people you know can see you.

Girls don't want to go out with boys; they want to go out with men, so show them, be courteous but yourself, and don't try and change, because if they like you, they'll like the you you are usually, not the new total gentleman, who doesn't know how to talk to them - this I can say from experience.

Feeling very much like an lg today (thats a love guru - for those of you that don't know! ;) )  so if you ever want to ask a question, or need some advice, feel free to comment or ask me on twitter @thegirlwthekey

Stay excellent! :D

- thegirlwiththekey


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