Half Term

I think there is one thing all students can agree with - Half Term is never long enough!! 

It always annoys me that when you're just getting into the swing of things and have finally adjusted to your new sleeping pattern that its time to go back to school. 

When you're having fun time always goes so fast but when you're bored out of your mind (and I know its said a lot - but its true) time goes SO slowly. 

Theres nothing worse than thinking too much about all the work you still have to do, when it gets to the day before school starts! Too many times have I lost sleep over dreading work, and it just isn't worth it, if you think about it we're still children and growing up is optional folks, we should play until we fall! and not waste our time doing silly holiday projects about subjects we are never going to use in our adult life - believe me I'm still waiting for the time when I have to use Pythagoras's theorem!! 

So if you do anything this holiday, and I hope you do, make it amazing and spend every minute you can doing something incredible, so that when you go back to school and listen to everyones lame stories about how they just watched TV and did homework, you can tell them about how you became the queen for a day or how you climbed the Eiffel Tower or slept over in Ally Pally and ice skated the night away! 

Hope you all have an excellent holiday - make the most of it! 

Stay excellent and have fun! 

- thegirlwiththekey


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