Fuzzy Relationships - **written in November**

*note to reader - I wrote this a few months ago and its was just sitting as a draft in my posts, so i just thought I'd post it, no judgements because these are thoughts from a while ago but yeah, i thought this little post deserved to be read! *


The concept of relationships; who else finds them slightly puzzling??

The thing I don't get is that when a girl and a boy are friends and their relationship as friends is great then bam one day they're not friends anymore, they don't talk and its the weirdest thing because you don't know why...

The reason is really sad; its all about inequality within their relationship - one of them (say the boy) begins to have feelings for the girl whereas she wants to keep the relationship purely platonic! of course this is one of the most annoying things because a five minute conversation that could easily have not happened, ruins a completely beautiful friendship.

I mean its a shame when people don't see eye to eye with relationships! but it also really annoys me that girls and boys can't just be purely friends and that
Usually its at the wrong time...

But I suppose its just human instinct trying to find us a mate... not to be a downer on the whole love and romance thing but it is a genuine shame when a really powerful friendship is ruined by something as silly as love. 

And I mean I love love as much as the next girl but there is a time, a place and the right person!

Also who thinks that friends with benefits works?? I genuinely think it could, and then from that usually you fall in love with the person because you know all their flaws and all their edges, all their perfect imperfections :D and actually become best friends... - unless you're just in it for the sex.

I think that being best friends is the most amazing base for a relationship, not the whole best friend over social media, but in person - the kind of best friendship between a girl and a boy in which you can meet up all the time, make fun of each other and eat cheese!! four-year-old-bennet-woos-his-fair-lady-with-the-most-perfect-love-letter read this to get the cheese thing... :P

I mean there's a lot of controversy about the whole 'friends with benefits' thing between my group of friends but I think in some ways (not all) having fwb can be better than being in a relationship because you have an open channel of communication. 

Now I'm only 18 so I'm not saying I would want that now, but I don't think I'd rule it out when I'm like in my twenties...

Some may say I'm too inexperienced to talk about this subject but is anyone ever experienced enough??

Stay Excellent 

- thegirlwiththekey


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