Breakfast at Tiffany's

Okay, so today I saw Breakfast at Tiffany's, which is a film that Audrey Hepburn stars in..

And she and a man who is in love with her take a day out of their lives and spend it doing things that they have never done before, and I think that would just make the best day... like ever.

Can you imagine spending the day with your love interest doing brand new and exciting things; in the film they try to buy something in Tiffany's for under $10 and succeed, steal a mask each from a store and just have a blast.

I mean you would remember that day for ever and no doubt, it was the start of their whirlwind romance, and what a start it was... <3

Thinking about it, for me a day like that is very much needed, I don't think I've done something majorly new in a good few years...

And, sounding like a complete slob who only watching telly all day (which i am not), I also caught an episode of How I Met Your Mother which had a message that hit home... I'm not sure what the episode was called but it was one in which, for Ted, the window was open for the 'perfect girl' but he wasn't sure if he was ready for her, for this new opportunity, and he and his class discuss how;

 'were all scared but doesn't being scared let you know you're onto something important, if you're not scared, you're not taking that chance, and if you're not taking that chance then what the hell are you doing??'

And those my friends are definite words to live by...

Just a thought, that should be daily; if what you're doing ain't scaring ya then get the hell outta your comfort zone; paint the walls bright pink, wear a fleece instead of a coat (:P) or skip to work.. until you can trampoline to work... (London Logic) and just remember that life should be exciting and lived each day differently and not each day the same!!!

Stay Excellent

- thegirlwiththekey


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