
Recently, I've had a lot of deadlines. Some I was dreading and some (well, one) I was really looking forward to, and it got me thinking..

The funny thing about deadlines is that they actually only take up about a second of our time.

You see,, because the work leading up to them takes up such a lot of our time, we trick ourselves into thinking that the actual deadline is a lot longer.

Our 'deadlines' are only really the second it takes you to click that "submit" button on your computer or the passing of work to whoever it's for.

But that deadline, that second of time can provide so much relief. Or such a great sense of failure. Depending on whether you meet it or not..

But in the long run they help us get things done - for this we couldn't ask for anything greater, even though at times we hate them!

So good luck for your next deadline *fingers crossed*

Stay Excellent
- Chantal DeHaine


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