Pretty much everyone has one and It doesn't surprise me, the world is such a vast place; So here's seven places on My Travel Bucket List; 1. Venice - before it sinks! 2. Scotland - mainly the Giant's Causeway and The Fairy Pools 3. Canada 4. America - the Grand Canyon and Salem 5. Juliet's house in Verona 6. Pompeii 7. Australia Hopefully by the time I die, I'll have checked off the ones I'm yet to have seen!! What's on your Bucket list? Stay Excellent - Chantal DeHaine
I tend to plan all of my blog posts before I write them, and definitely did for this month's challenge, but why on earth I ever thought this was an appropriate topic for me to write about is beyond me... I think words/language are the greatest invention of the human race! So no, I don't hate any words. Nuff said. #shortblogpost Stay Excellent - Chantal DeHaine
I give you the Yoga Bomb! Step 1: Run a bath Step 2: Drop bath bomb Step 3: Watch Step 3 and a half: Wait for the bomb to dissolve fully Step 4: Photograph Step 5: 'Ooohh' at the newly revealed colours Step 6: Stare at the new glittery colour your bath water has turned Step 7: 'Oooohh' some more Step 8: Relax and indulge So this bath bomb wasn't (in my opinion) anything special. Yes the colours were pretty and the glitter was cool, but as for aroma - there was little to none, so I didn't find it anymore relaxing than a normal bath. Well, except the fact that I was bathing in liquid that was a very impressive pigmented orange colour (I did fear I might step out of the bath and have to scrub off the pigment that had attached itself to my skin; luckily this was not the case.). On first impressions this bath bomb gave the water an immediate sort of slimey feel which thankfully subs...
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