
Yesterday, I was told my blog was inspiring,

And quite simply it made me smile,

Its a strange thing when people read your work and say they enjoy it; before I started this blog I'd only ever show my writings to a select few people so I rarely got any feedback I wasn't expecting. But you just have to have the confidence.

Have the confidence in everything you do because you honestly have nothing to lose, whether its like me with my writing; the worst you can get is some constructive criticism, or in romance; if the person you like doesn't want something to happen they'll tell you so take that chance, or even in your school work; if you are confident that you've done your best then no one can bring you down - you shouldn't let them.

And I know you're gonna be amazing!

Our lives are ours to create and decorate, we can do whatever we want, the laws are there for our protection but whats a little risk if you're having fun? But don't go and kill someone because that is wrong in every aspect and that law is there for a reason, but stay in the park until its really dark so you can watch the stars, you may have to climb over the gate but that's just part of the fun!

If you haven't climbed a tree in a few years or ever, then you're missing out because its one of the most fun things you can do outside... so call up a couple of friends on a sunny day and go for an adventure in the park, take a camera and laugh.

I know it sound cliche but live life the way you want, you only get one, so make the most of it!!

And remember

Stay Excellent!

- thegirlwiththekey


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