Lush Review - Twilight Bath Bomb

The Twilight bath bomb. Plop.. Fizzle Brainnnn Soapy Swirls Floating Spaceship Jellyfish Thing Boring Soapy Residue Jellyfish Snake Jellyfish Alien Shiny water Purpleish Tint Okay, so not your average review, more some pictures with strange words underneath... Its different I guess?! I would make the assumption (if I saw this page) that the user wasn't very impressed with the bath bomb, if you too, made that assumption - then you would be correct! Honestly I didn't think this ballistic was anything special.. It takes a long time to fizz, which is always a bonus and unless you want an extremely short bath, much appreciated. There was a lot of pink going on with some blue (as you can see in the jellyfish) and I noticed a fair few specs of yellow. And a hell of a lot of glitter!!! If you're not a fan of glitter, you won't like this bath bomb. However with such a strong set of colours in the ac...