
Showing posts from December, 2014

*Applauds 2014*

This is the third time I've tried rewording, retyping, heck, reshaping this post and I think that pretty much sums up life, you try and try but why is it the good, the bad they all come in threes, so hopefully this, the third new year post I've written this afternoon, turns out to be good. Isn't it strange how life as we see it, or more specifically, how I see it, is constantly changing - whether it be for better or worse, for richer for poorer... ... Okay lets not make a marriage vow, but how cliche that I should be writing something that is supposed to be a great sort of reflection of the last year, turns out to be something so urgh, uninspiring?  I apologise. So lets just put it this way, don't fret over the last year if its been tough, but don't try and stay in the year if it was incredible either, because there is bound to be something better around the corner.  Lets wonder into the new year surrounded by those we love and not worry too much abo...


Yesterday, I was told my blog was inspiring, And quite simply it made me smile, Its a strange thing when people read your work and say they enjoy it; before I started this blog I'd only ever show my writings to a select few people so I rarely got any feedback I wasn't expecting. But you just have to have the confidence. Have the confidence in everything you do because you honestly have nothing to lose, whether its like me with my writing; the worst you can get is some constructive criticism, or in romance; if the person you like doesn't want something to happen they'll tell you so take that chance, or even in your school work; if you are confident that you've done your best then no one can bring you down - you shouldn't let them. And I know you're gonna be amazing! Our lives are ours to create and decorate, we can do whatever we want, the laws are there for our protection but whats a little risk if you're having fun? But don't go and kill ...