
Showing posts from June, 2016

Book Review/recommendation – Night Owls by Jenn Bennett

“Its books like this that inspire me to write even more!” is the first thing I said to my Mum after finishing this book. Can you tell I liked it? No doubt it’s made my favourites list. Not only does it inspire me to write; the euphoric feeling I get, during and after reading a book like this one, reminds me why I read! Being able to read is everything to me and honestly if I had to choose one skill to live with for the rest of my life, reading would be it. (This I could talk about for an hour, but back to the book) I can usually tell within the first few chapters if I’m going to like a book – occasionally I’m wrong, but most of the time I’m right.. With Night Owls, I knew by the 6 th page! Bennett has witty, mildly-philosophical banter down to a T, which makes her writing even more enjoyable – but maybe that’s because I studied philosophy with force, so any reference I can put some understanding into makes me feel even more involved with the story. Also I ha...

All Creatures Great And Small

It honestly astounds me that this world of ours has so many variations of breathing and non-breathing life. How incredible is it that all of the things we see around us, from the grass to the tigers, have evolved from one tiny cell? It astounds me even more, however when our world and theirs peacefully intertwine.. Yesterday I was on a walk with mum and without any warning a beetle just scuttled across the pavement, as though it were blocking our path. Of course, we just stepped passed it, hardly even noticing it was there, until I saw it move; I had to backtrack and snap this picture. Not only did he try to stop us in our tracks but he was ready to have a full blown fight with us; look at all that armour! What does it say about us, the fact that we have jelly skin as protection? That we’re so strong and mighty in the animal kingdom that we don’t need any armour or that we’re just completely unprepared? We would be no competition for that beetle if we were the same s...

Quick Update

How is it that when someone really feels like writing, they cant think of anything to write but this? A crazy kind of writers block I guess.. So, quick update; exams are finished, the job hunt has started, still haven’t used Pythagoras’ theorem, we’ve just left the EU and the sun is bi-polar. Also I’m hungry.. The latter very vital information for you I’m sure XD Anyway I hope you’re well, Stay Excellent Chantal DeHaine