A Level Limbo

Okay so I wrote this poem a while back and found it today. Now I don't want to have another rant about the education system; you can read my previous one here . But I think a point needs to be made about how there has been a drastic rise in teens with mental disorders and something needs to be done about it! Don't adults understand that before we turn 19years old the average UK child sits over a whopping 40 or so exams! And we are given the false pretence that if we don't pass we wont do well in life - of course that's going to affect us... and it is not true! I've recently read that students today have the same anxiety levels as people living in insane asylums in the 1950's, not good for our future is it?! I do think some institutions are realising that our health is important and are doing things about it, Cheltenham ladies college for example and more should do the same. Stress among other things is definitely not something that p...